
Showing posts from November, 2017

Website Outline Samples


Thoughts creating video for assignment 4

Assignments 3 and 4 provided me with new information to create. I have never used Audacity or iMovie before so to me it was starting from scratch. The process for this project was very difficult trying to match the sound and video correctly. It became very frustrating trying to coordinate the two. I soon got the hang of it but still created frustration. Personally, I was not absolutely satisfied with my final product. I believe it could be tweaked and changed to create a better final product. Presenting my project to the class provided me with helpful insight on how to make changes to better the material I was working with.

Assignment 4

Meghan Assignment 4 from Meghan Hanenkrath on Vimeo . Videos used: Personal video/race

Public Domain and Creative Commons

I found this article on Public Domain and video on Creative Commons very interesting. It was interesting to read and watch because it informed me of information that I did not always understand. I knew that when videos and other material are posted on the Internet they are open for the public to view. It was interesting to hear that Public Domain was established in the mid 18th century because I would have thought many bands or groups would have wanted their material to be out in the world. many artists are very protective of their work and do not want their fans or others to use it in any other way. I believe that the video and article furthered the little knowledge that I had in these categories. Now knowing what I have learned it will allow me to be more aware of what I am using that is for public use and not the material that artists are very protective over.

Assignment 3 Feedback

It was my first time using audacity and experimenting with sound. I wasn't very confident with my material that was presented but I received helpful feedback. When my sound was played a couple things were brought to my attention. My classmates and myself agreed that the pitch needed to be worked on because it was just a loud screech. I went for the approach of a cross country or track race but as I changed the pitched someone said it was interesting that the pitch created a change in imagination. The crowd started from cheering and rooting for the runner and as the pitch changed it sounded as if the crowd was chasing the runner with pitchforks. I found that very interesting and unique. This critique helped get my imagination going to improve my work with sound.

Assignment 3 deep breath - self recorded "believe in yourself" - self recorded