
Showing posts from December, 2017

Short Bio and Artist Statement

Artist Statement: My website is a collection of recent and past artworks I have invested time in throughout the years. It includes a gallery of works I have created in class as well as my own photography. My photography represents my inspiration for example, my family, friends and nature. Throughout my class I have presented my work using Photoshop, illustrator, creating sounds using audacity and also making a video using Creative Commons. My artwork is most often representing the people and places I enjoy. most works deal with nature or sports mainly because I have always been surrounded by sporting events and enjoy being outdoor admiring the beauty of nature. Bio: Meghan Hanenkrath is a student at The University of Toledo. She loves to draw, take pictures, help others and be surrounded by family and friends. Meghan has always had an interest in art since the early years if her life. She began taking art more serious when she entered high school and was provided with a variety